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GVL Publications

Auringer, G., M. A. Campbell, P. A. L. Goertler, and A. J. Finger (2023) Lampreys in California (Lampetra spp. and 

Entosphenus spp.): Mitochondrial phylogenetic analysis reveals previously unrecognized lamprey diversity. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43(6):1511-1530. (url)

Nagarajan, R. P., A. Holmes, and A. Schreier (2023) Reference sequence database for eDNA metabarcoding of San Francisco

estuary fishes and invertebrates [Dataset]. Dryad.

Stagg, J., Goodman, A., Mitchell, L., Funk, E., and Schreier, A. (2023) Proofing field and laboratory species identification

procedures developed for the non-native Osmerid species wakasagi (Hyposmesus nipponensis) using SHERLOCK-based genetic verification. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences 21(4):2. (url)

LaCava, M. E. F., Griffiths, J. S., Ellison, L., Carson, E. W., Hung, T-C., and Finger A. J. (2023) Loss of plasticity in maturation

timing after ten years of captive spawning in a delta smelt conservation hatchery. Evolutionary Applications. (url)

LaCava, M. E. F., Donohue, I. M., Badger, M. E., Hung T-C., Ellison, L., Rahman, M. M., Kelvas, K., Finger, A. J., and Carson, E.

W. (2023) Assessing captive spawning strategies for supplementation production of Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (url).

Baerwald, M. R., Funk, E. C., Goodbla, A. M., Campbell, M. A., Thompson, T., Meek, M. H., & Schreier, A. D. (2023). Rapid

CRISPR‐Cas13a genetic identification enables new opportunities for listed Chinook salmon management. Molecular Ecology Resources. (url)

Campbell M.A., Hale M.C., Jalbert C.S., Dunker K., Sepulveda A.J., López J.A., Falke J.A. and Westley PAH. 2023. Genomics

reveals the origins and current structure of a genetically depauperate freshwater species in its introduced Alaskan range. Evolutionary Applications. 16, 1119-1134. (url)

Campbell MA. (2023, February 7). DNA unveils new freshwater fish species in California. California WaterBlog.

Nagarajan, R. P., A. Holmes, and A. Schreier (2023) Reference sequence database for eDNA metabarcoding of San Francisco

estuary fishes and invertebrates [Dataset]. Dryad.

Campbell M.A., Badger M.E., Starotska A.B., Hawks T. and Finger A.J. 2023. Molecular phylogenetic and population

genetic relationships of a putative species of sucker (Catostomus sp.) from Surprise Valley in the Great Basin, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 152, 273– 286. (url) Featured Paper 

Campbell M.A., Habibi E., Auringer G., Stephens M., Conway K., Rodzen, J., Conway K.W., and Finger A.J. Molecular

systematics of Redband Trout from Genome-Wide DNA Sequencing substantiates the description of a new taxon (Salmonidae: Oncorhynchus mykiss calisulat) from the McCloud River. Zootaxa. 5254 (1):001-029. (url

White, S. L., D. A. Fox, T. Beridze, S. K. Bolden, R. L. Johnson, T. F. Savoy, F. Scheele, A. D. Schreier, and D. C. Kazyak. 2023.

Expanding captive culture industry threatens decades of global sturgeon conservation. Fisheries 48(2):54-61. (url)

Blair, S. R. K., A. Schreier, M. Escalona, A. Finger, S. Joslin, R. Sahasradbudhe, M. Marimuthu, O. Nguyen, N. Chumchim, E. R.

Morris, H. Mangelson, and J. Hull. 2023. A draft reference genome of the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, Branchinecta lynchi.

Journal of Heredity 114(1):81-87. (url)

Blair, S. R. K., A. Schreier, M. Escalona, A. Finger, S. Joslin, R. Sahasradbudhe, M. Marimuthu, O. Nguyen, N. Chumchim, E. R.

Morris, H. Mangelson, and J. Hull. 2023. A chromosome-level reference genome for the Versatile Fairy Shrimp. Branchinecta lindahli. Journal of Heredity 114(1):74-80. (url)

UC Davis Meyer Hall, Davis, CA 


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