Hannah Miller- Graduate Group
Research Interests
I enjoy utilizing molecular methods to develop new assays for detection and monitoring of native species.

Ph.D. Immunology, UC Davis, 2021
B.A. Biology, Goshen College, 2010
Miller, H.W., Tam, T.S.Y., Ralston, K.S. Entamoeba histolytica Develops Resistance to
Complement Deposition and Lysis After Acquisition of Human Complement Regulatory
Proteins through Trogocytosis. mBio. 2022, e0316321. https://doi.org/10.1128/
Bettadapur A, Hunter S.S., Suleiman R.L., Ruyechan M.C., Huang W., Barbieri C.G.,
Miller H.W., Tam T.S.Y., Settles M.L., Ralston K.S. Establishment of Quantitative RNAi-
Based Forward Genetics in Entamoeba histolytica and Identification of Genes Required
for Growth. PLoS Pathog. 2021, 29;17(11):e1010088.
Bettadapur, A.*; Miller, H.W.*; Ralston, K.S. Biting off What Can Be Chewed:
Trogocytosis in Health, Infection and Disease. Infect. Immun. 2020, 88(7).
https://doi.org/10.1128/IAI.00930-19. (*Akhila Bettadapur and Hannah W. Miller
contributed equally to this work. Author order is alphabetical.) – Journal Cover
Miller, H.W.; Suleiman, R.L.; Ralston, K.S. Trogocytosis by Entamoeba histolytica
Mediates Acquisition and Display of Human Cell Membrane Proteins and Evasion of
Lysis by Human Serum. mBio. 2019, 10 (2), e00930-19. https://doi.org/10.1128/
Mpina, M.; Maurice, N.J.; Yajima, M.; Slichter, C.K.; Miller, H.W.; Dutta, M.; McElrath,
M.J.; Stuart, K. D.; De Rosa, S. C.; McNevin, J. P.; Linsley, P. S.; Abdulla, S.; Tanner,
M.; Hoffman, S.L.; Gottardo, R.; Daubenberger, C.A.; Prlic, M. Controlled Human
Malaria Infection Leads to Long-Lasting Changes in Innate and Innate-like Lymphocyte
Populations. J. Immunol. 2017, 199 (1), 107–118.
Lovelace, E.S.; Maurice, N.J.; Miller, H.W.; Slichter, C.K.; Harrington, R.; Magaret, A.;
Prlic, M.; De Rosa, S.; Polyak, S.J. Silymarin Suppresses Basal and Stimulus-Induced
Activation, Exhaustion, Differentiation, and Inflammatory Markers in Primary Human
Immune Cells. PLoS ONE 2017, 12 (2), e0171139.
Slichter, C.K.; McDavid, A.; Miller, H.W.; Finak, G.; Seymour, B.J.; McNevin, J.P.; Diaz,
G.; Czartoski, J.L.; McElrath, M.J.; Gottardo, R.; Prlic, M. Distinct Activation Thresholds
of Human Conventional and Innate-like Memory T Cells. JCI Insight 2016, 1 (8).
Finak, G.; McDavid, A.; Yajima, M.; Deng, J.; Gersuk, V.; Shalek, A. K.; Slichter, C.K.;
Miller, H.W.; McElrath, M. J.; Prlic, M.; Linsley, P.S.; Gottardo, R. MAST: A Flexible
Statistical Framework for Assessing Transcriptional Changes and Characterizing
Heterogeneity in Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data. Genome Biol. 2015, 16, 278.
Younan, P.M.; Peterson, C.W.; Polacino, P.; Kowalski, J.P.; Obenza, W.; Miller, H.W.;
Milless, B.P.; Gafken, P.; DeRosa, S.C.; Hu, S.-L.; Kiem, H.-P. Lentivirus-Mediated Gene
Transfer in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Is Impaired in SHIV-Infected, ART-Treated
Nonhuman Primates. Mol. Ther. 2015, 23 (5), 943–951.
Peterson, C.W.; Younan, P.; Polacino, P.S.; Maurice, N.J.; Miller, H.W.; Prlic, M.;
Jerome, K. R.; Woolfrey, A.E.; Hu, S.-L.; Kiem, H.- P. Robust Suppression of Env-SHIV
Viremia in Macaca Nemestrina by 3-Drug ART Is Independent of Timing of Initiation
during Chronic Infection. J. Med. Primatol. 2013, 42 (5), 237–246.
Developing a Multiplexed SHERLOCK Genetic Assay for Rapid Detection of
Central Valley Chinook Early and Late Migration Phenotypes
In collaboration with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), we are working to develop a multiplexed Specific High-Sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter UnLOCKing (SHERLOCK) assay for detection of Central Valley Chinook salmon adult migration phenotypes. This works aims to adapt current assays in use here at the GVL and at DWR that detect early and late migration phenotypes. The early adult migration SHERLOCK assay detects listed winter/spring-run, while the late migration assay detects non-listed fall/late fall-run. We aim to combine multiple Cas enzymes with different cleavage preferences and multiple reporter molecules to facilitate the detection of early and late migration phenotypes simultaneously. If successful, this work will enhance our ability to rapidly differentiate between listed and non-listed Chinook salmon and expedite related management decisions.