Dr. Elisha Hull - Adjunct Associate Professor
Research Interests
My research interests include conservation genetics, avian ecology and migration, and the conservation of rare and endangered species. Using a combination of field research and molecular genetic techniques, we have studied numerous species of raptors (red-tailed hawks, red-shouldered hawks, Swainson’s hawks, Galápagos hawks, sharp-shinned hawks, Cooper’s hawks, great gray owls, merlins) primarily at study sites across North America in collaboration with the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory. In collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service we are also studying several species of conservation concern including California clapper rails, vernal pool fairy shrimp, callippe silverspot butterflies, Shasta crayfish, and great gray owls.

B.S., Biology, Dominican University of California, 1998.
M.A., Biology, Sonoma State University, 2002.
Ph.D., Ecology, University of California, Davis, 2007.